Our Past and Present Leaders


Dr. Rose Thering, a Dominican sister and Professor Emerita of Jewish-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University. Sister Roseʼs research played a key role in excising antisemitic bias from Catholic educational materials following Vatican II. 

Rev. Edward Flannery, author of the seminal book, The Anguish of the Jews.

Rev. Dr. David A. Lewis, Assembly of God minister, author of many books on biblical prophecy and its relationship to Israel. 

Rev. Dr. James R. Lyons, a United Church of Christ minister who pioneered community and regional education as founder of the Ecumenical Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies in Michigan. 

Rev. Dr. Franklin H. Littell, author of more than thirty books including The Crucifixion of the Jews: The Failure of Christians to Understand the Jewish Experience.

Dr. Richard C. Lux, Professor Emeritus of Scripture Studies at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology in Milwaukee, author of The Jewish People, the Holy Land, and the State of Israel: A Catholic View, and President Emeritus of NCLCI. 

Rev. Dr. Tricia Miller, current President of NCLCI, Director at CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis), Education Coordinator at ICEJ USA (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem), Assemblies of God minister, author of Jews and Anti-Judaism in Esther and the Church

Our goals: To be aware of the current issues affecting Israel and Jewish peoplehood and to inform local and national leaders of your support for Israel.